The mail-back sharps program is designed for syringes, lancets, needles including those used in tattoo and body piercing studios, other sharps and small amounts of medical waste. The mail-back program consists of a U.S. Postal Service approved sharps collection container, ranging in size from 1.4 quarts to 3 gallons, protective bag liner, third party bar coded tracking, destruction manifest for Regulated Medical Waste & Sharps and a postage paid U.S. Postal Service approved return box. Key features of the Mail Your Sharps mail- back program include the destruction of the waste in an EPA certified facility, manifest confirmation of destruction, independent third party tracking of the waste, and an easy to use e-commerce web store. Also with no contracts to sign, users can dispose of their full sharps containers on their schedule instead of on a contracted schedule. Each one of our systems is assigned a unique permit by the U.S. Postal Service allowing us to receive sharps waste through the mail.
Customer Service
We have provided the safest and
most secure method of medical waste disposal for our clients.